Chronicles of Change: Observing Transformations Across the Four Yugas
Most of us think that time continues continuously but it is not so. According to Hindu beliefs, time is a cyclical process. Which is majorly divided into four Yugas (Eras)
1.Satya Yuga - golden age
2.Treta Yuga
3.Dwapar Yuga
4.Kali Yuga
In each of these, righteousness has decreased and unrighteousness is increasing.Today we will tell you how to become a witness to the era of change.
Satya Yuga - Golden Age
Also called the Golden Age. This is the first and purest era among the eras. Yuga is a cyclical process, hence Satya Yuga is preceded by Kaliyuga and followed by Treta Yuga. Satya Yuga lasts for 1,728,000 years (4,800 divine years) and is known as the Age of Truth. Satya Yuga lasts four times longer than Kaliyuga. Lord Vishnu is considered the deity of Satya Yuga. In Satya Yuga humanity is ruled by the gods. Religion stood on four legs. In every era, one leg of religion is lost. In Satyuga all men are saints, so there is no need for them to perform religious activities or rituals. In this age, humans neither buy nor sell anything, and there are no poor or rich. There is no need to make any effort, because whatever has to be done for all human beings is achieved by the power of the mind. There are no diseases in Satyuga and there is no deficiency from the elders. There is no malice, no ego, no low thoughts. There is no sorrow, no fear. All human beings can attain supreme happiness. This is such an era which identifies one's own form with the entire soul. In Satyuga the colour of all souls are white, and all people can understand that they are one in the whole soul. In Satyuga all people are followers of one religion, and all are saints. Therefore, they do not place any requirement on not performing religious rituals. In Satyuga everyone is content with themselves, and everyone loves each other. Everyone remains happy forever in Satyuga.
Treta Yuga- Silver Age
The second of the four yugas of the Yuga cycle is Treta Yuga, which is known for righteousness, moral values and spiritual development. It is said to last for 1,296,000 (3,600 divine) years. Lord Rama is considered to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the deity of Treta Yuga. During Treta Yuga humanity is believed to be more spiritually advanced and virtuous than in later eras. The divine qualities of truth, love and harmony are more prevalent, and people are generally more inclined towards spiritual practices and rituals. In Treta Yuga, the concept of dharma or righteousness is at its peak, and society is governed by a strong moral code. This leads to a more harmonious and balanced social structure with less corruption and conflict.
Treta Yuga is not without its challenges. As the age progresses, moral values and spiritual awareness gradually decline, leading to greater emphasis on materialism and worldly activities. It is believed that during Treta Yuga the gods and divine beings become more active and present in the world, providing guidance and assistance to humanity in their spiritual journey.Treta Yuga is a time of spiritual growth, moral values and righteousness. This is a time when humanity is more spiritually advanced and connected to God, and when society is governed by a strong moral code. As the age progresses, these qualities gradually decline, leading to greater emphasis on materialism and worldly activities.
Dwapara Yuga - Bronze Age
Third Yuga – Dwapara Yuga. Each Yuga has a specific duration, according to Hindu texts the Dwapara Yuga lasts for 864,000 years (2,400 divine years). Lord Shri Krishna is considered to be the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the deity of Dwapar era. In Dwapar Yuga, there is a decline in morality and physical conditions. But it is considered a relatively better era than Kaliyuga. During the Dwapara Yuga, human life spans are shorter, and dharma (moral virtues) is less prevalent than in the previous era. This is still an age of spiritual evolution and advanced human intelligence, as described by Satguru.
Dwapara Yuga is when religion stands with two legs. In this Yuga, the adharma and dharma lie in the same family which led to a great war that happened in Kurukshetra which is ‘Mahabharat’. This war taught everyone that there is no one in this world permanent . Everyone has to pay for their unlawful activities maybe in this birth or in the next birth.
Kali Yuga - Iron Age
It is believed that Kaliyuga started 35 years after the Mahabharata war. According to the Puranas, the history of Kaliyuga on earth will be 4 lakh 32 thousand years. According to modern calculations, this time was 3102 BC. According to the Puranas, in Kaliyuga, Lord Kalki, the last incarnation of Lord Vishnu, will descend and Kaliyuga will come to an end. In Kaliyuga, humans will enjoy the fruits of their deeds and will have to face many problems like unseasonal rains, storms, water crisis etc. According to the scriptures, evils and misdeeds will increase in Kaliyuga. In this era, only man is superior among all the creatures on earth and there are no gods, demons, Yakshas or Gandharvas. In this era, those who do good deeds are considered like gods and evil and sinful people are compared with demons.

Some instances which were predicted before
In Hindu texts like Mahabharata and scriptures related to Satya Yuga (Golden Age), predictions have been made about Kaliyuga i.e. the present era, which is written as follows –
1.Natural disasters: Floods, earthquakes and other extreme weather events are seen as possible consequences of the imbalance caused by Kaliyuga. For example, the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami was a devastating natural disaster that killed millions of people.
2.Wars:Kaliyuga is also considered a time of war and conflict. This includes both large-scale wars between nations and smaller-scale violence and social unrest. The two world wars of the 20th century are often considered examples of Kaliyuga wars. The ongoing conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan, tensions and regional conflicts in the South China Sea and the Korean Peninsula, wars on a global scale and the rise of cyber warfare indicate Kaliyuga.
3,Mass shootings and terrorism:The increase in mass shootings and terrorist attacks around the world is a frightening reality. The association of Kaliyuga with increasing violence and disregard for human life can be seen as a contributing factor, although social and psychological factors also play a role.
4.Cyber crimes and online attacks:The rise of cybercrime and online attacks on critical infrastructure is a new threat to global security. This can be seen as an expression of Kaliyuga's emphasis on negativity and disruption in the digital age.
5.Social unrest and violence:Increasing social unrest and violence due to economic inequality and political instability can be seen as symptoms of Kaliyuga.
Hinduism presents a cyclical view of time, where humanity advances and retreats through four yugas. Satya Yuga, the golden age of truth and harmony; Treta Yuga, a Silver Age with increased emphasis on rituals; Dvapara Age, a Bronze Age marked by duality and conflict; And finally, Kaliyuga, the current Iron Age characterised by moral decline and ignorance. Each age becomes shorter than the previous age, which shows the gradual decline of human qualities. Although some interpret these stages literally, others see them as a metaphor for humanity's ongoing internal struggle between light and darkness.
What specifically changed in four yugas?
It is believed that in Satya Yuga, the demon and humans lives in different lok like humans live on prithvi lok and demons lives in patal lok. In Treta Yuga they start living on the same lok like Lord Rama as well as demon Ravana lives on the same lok. When Dwapara Yuga arrived, qualities of demons as well as humans were in the same family like Pandavas had human qualities whereas their brothers Kauravas had demon qualities. In Kali Yuga, the qualities of demons and humans exist in one person. Nowadays, every person has to fight a war against their demon which was present inside them and has to increase their human qualities.
This is a major change which was observers in four yugas.